ИНН:9728025920 / КПП:772801001 / ОГРН:1217700029612
Volgograd Region has prioritised the availability of a popular drug.

Volgograd Region has prioritised the availability of a popular drug.

First published on the NIDO Russia Telegram channel.

It is no secret to many that Russia is prioritising the import as well as internal production of required drugs and pharmaceutical materials to prevent shortage.
The Volgograd regional health department purchased almost 8,000 tablets of a Viagra analogue. The contract amount was 254 thousand rubles.

In the purchase of Sildenafil, it is indicated that the drug is planned to be provided to patients diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, although the instructions for the drug do not explicitly say this.

The Regional Health Committee explained to pdmnews that "the drug is used to treat pulmonary hypertension, including in patients with rheumatoid diseases" because of its ability to lower blood pressure.

Experts have noted that Sildenafil is a dual-action drug, as it is also used as a treatment for erectile dysfunction.

One thing is sure, the likelihood of having a shortage of an analogue to Viagra in the Volgograd region in the nearest future has been extinguished and any potential user or pharmacist knows exactly where to go to get it. It is good news however one looks at it.

Source: pdmnews.ru

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