ИНН:9728025920 / КПП:772801001 / ОГРН:1217700029612
NIDO Russia wishes Engr. Tony a merry one!

NIDO Russia wishes Engr. Tony a merry one!

NIDO Russia wishes Engr. Tony a merry one!

Today is indeed a special day for us at NIDO Russia. Our very able Vice-Chairman @Engr. Chiegbu Tony PhD has added another year and feather of experience to his cap. Thank you so much for your commitment and service. I wish you many more years, health and success in your endeavours. Happy Birthday!

Yours in Service,
Dr. Godwin Ibe M.D., MSc, PhD
Chairman, NIDO Russia

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NIDO Russia

Promoting Socioeconomic and Cultural Development of Nigeria and Nigerians

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Designed by Dr. Godwin Ibe