ИНН:9728025920 / КПП:772801001 / ОГРН:1217700029612
Russian language for all (RuFA)

Russian language for all (RuFA)

First published on the NIDO Russia Telegram channel.

Many opportunities announced for our members in NIDO Russia require knowledge of Russia language which is the local language. As a result, not all have been able to take advantage of them. Now there is a chance to improve your knowledge of the Russia language for FREE.
Russian language for all (RuFA) is about providing Free/Affordable Russian language lessons for members of NIDO Russia. We know that many people need this and we think it is an opportunity to step in and provide support.
We'll be offering these lessons once a week for FREE while they last till the end of May 2022. The lessons are sponsored by Godwin Ibe Foundation. Please contact us if interested.

What are the benefits.
1. Knowledge of the local Russian language for work, leisure, and communication.
2. Makes it easier to pass Russian exams required for getting permanent residence documents.
3. Makes it possible for members to take advantage of the numerous opportunities provided by the Russian government.
4. Save cost on the value of the lesson as it is offered to members for free.

Take advantage of the pilot project while it lasts. Your feedback will be valuable to the life and extension of the project. Thank you.

Yours in service,
Dr. Godwin Ibe

Legal Disclaimer: As a legally registered organisation, NIDO Russia encourages all members to pay taxes and operate under the wings of the law.

Subscribe at Telegram for more: @nido_russia

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NIDO Russia

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Designed by Dr. Godwin Ibe