ИНН:9728025920 / КПП:772801001 / ОГРН:1217700029612
 Free Transport Cards For Excellent Student (TCS)

Free Transport Cards For Excellent Student (TCS)

First published on the NIDO Russia Telegram channel.

NIDO Russia wants to take care of paying for the bus and metro cards for May 2022 of all students who use social cards and have only excellent grades for the last 2 years. If you qualify or know anyone who does, please let them contact us or their NIDO university co-ordinator. This is limited only to Moscow students for now. We hope to expand in the nearest future. Please send us a copy of your transcripts if you qualify.

NIDO Russia encourages excellence!

Yours in service,
Dr. Godwin Ibe
On Behalf of the Executive Team


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Designed by Dr. Godwin Ibe